Add Cypress E2E tests to your Vite project

Micky Dore
4 min readJan 7, 2024

If you are looking to add Cypress testing to your Vite project for the first time, or you’re converting a Webpack based build environment for Vite, this article will help you along the process. Launched in 2020, Vite offers developers a leaner and meaner development experience for their web projects. With lightning fast Hot Module Replacement and near instant server start up times, the popularity of Vite has increased drastically since its launch.

The logos for Vite and Cypress
Cypress allows you to easily add E2E tests to your Vite projects.

Unlike other popular build tools such as create-react-app or vue-cli, Vite does not use popular module builder Webpack under the hood. Cypress on the other hand, does. This made writing Cypress tests in a Vite project a bit more complicated than it had to be, as Cypress could not piggy back off any existing configuration for Webpack.

Throughout this article I will discuss how we can use an existing library to preprocess our Cypress tests, allowing us to do things such as share our common Vite configuration and enable Vite specific features such as the use of import.meta.env, making adding E2E tests to our Vite project a seamless experience.

Installing Packages

Before we can get started, we will need to download a few packages to allow us to begin writing E2E tests in our Vite project.

  • cypress — To write tests…



Micky Dore

A curious software developer interested in this 'n' that